December 11, 2023
Albania is now part of the pan-European assessment of the legal framework for climate, in the latest...
December 1, 2023
Is a project funded by Adaptation Fund: Climate Innovation Accelerator, a grant aggregator Programme...
November 24, 2023
Pastures in Albania constitute 26.1% of the “pasture and forestry fund” and cover one-sixth of the country’s...
November 13, 2023
*Ekstrakt i përzgjedhur nga fjala e Drejtorit të REC Shqipëri, Mihallaq Qirjo, në punimet e Takimit të...
November 7, 2023
Every day, we produce various wastes, and their effective management is a challenge for everyone today....
November 1, 2023
Environmental and legal organizations win the first legal battle, gaining legitimacy to legally challenge...
July 4, 2023
Shqipëria cënohet nga një sërë fatkeqësish natyrore. Rreziqet kryesore që prekin Shqipërinë janë tërmetet,...
June 9, 2023
REC Shqipëri me mbështetjen e Green-AL organizoi në datën 9 Qershor 2023 Forumin e 3-të Kombëtar “Edukimi...
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