Call for Cultural Heritage Expertise
Project Background In the context of the project titled “The Triad of Arbanon’s Heritage”, Ref. No. ALB/EC/22644/CFP 05-2024 funded by
Project Background In the context of the project titled “The Triad of Arbanon’s Heritage”, Ref. No. ALB/EC/22644/CFP 05-2024 funded by
Across the Western Balkans, local communities face increasing vulnerability due to disruptions in water stream systems. Hydroelectric power construction, water
Breshkat detare kanë folezuar në vende të pazakonta që prej verës së vitit 2023 në të gjithë pellgun mesdhetar. Ky
Kemi kënaqësinë të ndajmë me ju një lajm fantastik nga brigjet tona. Viti 2024 shënoi një rekord historik për folenë
Albania, like many nations, faces the challenge of reducing its carbon footprint while simultaneously supporting economic development and ensuring energy
Organizatat e shoqërisë civile njëzëri kundër ndryshimeve në ligjin për Zonat e Mbrojtura Tiranë, 16 shkurt 2024. Organizatat e shoqërisë
Date: 30.01.2024 Subject: 56 civil society organizations in Albania request withdraw of the draft law on protected areas from the
Albania is now part of the pan-European assessment of the legal framework for climate, in the latest edition of CAN
Is a project funded by Adaptation Fund: Climate Innovation Accelerator, a grant aggregator Programme implemented by United Nations Development Programme
Pastures in Albania constitute 26.1% of the “pasture and forestry fund” and cover one-sixth of the country’s total territory, which