The Stream Visual Assessment Protocol (SVAP) is a global protocol that provides an initial assessment of the overall state of water streams, be it small streams or rivers. Most water streams in our country have permanent water inflows but nevertheless, the amount of water that passes into the water streams has a close multidimensional connection with the management done to it and the land around it.

The Stream Visual Assessment Protocol (SVAP)  provides an initial evaluation of the overall condition of wadeable streams, being small streams or rivers. It is a preliminary qualitative assessment tool which evaluates features that affect overall stream conditions and assesses visually apparent physical, chemical, and biological features within a specified reach of a stream corridor.

The Stream Visual Assessment Protocol (SVAP) provides an initial evaluation of the overall condition of wadeable streams, being small streams or rivers. It is a preliminary qualitative assessment tool which evaluates features that affect overall stream conditions and assesses visually apparent physical, chemical, and biological features within a specified reach of a stream corridor.

SVAP can be used successfully by certain individuals of the community who are interested in the health of a river ecosystem but also by citizens who have basic knowledge in the science of biology, geomorphology or hydrology. Thus, SVAP becomes more efficient and effective if it closely cooperates with local community representatives in the protocol evaluation process.

The Stream Visual Assessment Protocol (SVAP) is a preliminary qualitative assessment tool to analyze the features that affect the overall water stream conditions. Due to its qualitative nature, the protocol may not disclose all the causes of concern that a particular community may have, especially if such causes are the result of land use actions in other parts of the watershed that may be away from the water stream. A synthesis of information gathered during the preliminary assessment and field assessment parts under this protocol can be used to provide general guidance to landowners on how the features and practices applied in this watershed are reflected in the quality of its aquatic ecosystem of the stream.

This guide helps interested people and communities to recognize and evaluate the factors that influence a flow to interpret the general state of a water stream, (stream or river) but also the living world around it.

To access the manual, click here: SVAP