Civil Society Organizations address the Government: Do not take any decisions without being assured of transparency and participation!

The letter sent to Prime Minister Mr. Edi Rama, President of the Republic Mr. Ilir Meta, Chairman of the Assembly Mr. Gramoz Ruçi, from WWF Adria and 10 NGOs contains recommendations for accelerating steps towards a green economy in Albania. The NGOs call for the restriction of decisions that are not urgent for the health and safety of the population.

TIRANA, 6 May 2020–Full transparency and good governance are substantial at this time so as not to violate human rights, the rule of law and democratic decision-making in our society, is the message sent to the Albanian government by the WWF and cooperating organizations. Civil Society Organizations are aware of the extreme conditions in which the government is working. However, they urge the government to postpone any decision-making that is not directly related to the health and safety of people, for which full participation and transparency cannot be ensured at the moment.

In the letter addressed to the Prime Minister, President and Chairman of the Assembly and to the knowledge of the Minister of Tourism and Environment and the Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, WWF, INCA, EcoVolis, Milieukontakt Albania, REC Albania, AIC Shkodra, EDEN, EcoAlbania, SHBO, PPNEA TOKA, bring to the attention of decision makers some recommendations that accelerate the transformation towards a climate-friendly economy, which respects the environment and renews nature, health and well-being of people. The organizations recommend to:

• Support and strengthen the implementation and financing of existing environmental standards and policies to address the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and environmental pollution.

• To invest more in raising awareness and education on human rights, sustainable development and nature protection, by strengthening our society in order to face the challenges of the future.

• Make it possible to distribute funds and mitigation measures under specific conditions, in accordance with the European Green Agreement and the Paris Agreement, in order to guide the transformation of our economy towards sustainability.

• Initiate broad and sustainable initiatives in line with the public interest.

• Provide support to (local) civil society organizations

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