SD Country Progress on the regional peer review focus.
We often hear about discussions on meetings and conferences about the SDGs and specific objectives referring to different policy papers or monitoring and evaluation papers on the progress of the country. Rarely are there concrete examples of change driven by these objectives, where an initiative or intervention has brought change in the lives of communities. On the other hand, we hear or share the concern that problem-solving through concrete interventions are unsustainable choices.

Politically, Albania committed in September 2015 to the implementation of transforming Our World-The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. Albania considers the SDG framework as an important vision for 2030. Albania was one of the six pilot countries who tested SDGs before their adoption by International Community, in 2015. Albania was then elaborating its second National Strategy for Development and Integration and gained this opportunity to harmonize and align the two frameworks. The NSDI-II 2015-2020 was adopted by the Government of Albania in May 2016, as a key component of the Integrated Planning System, strategic document reflecting the vision, priorities, objectives and means for social and economic development and the aspirations for European Integration of the country up to the year 2020.