Climate Change

The urgency of the climate crisis has recently gained significant traction, with efforts and actions being recognized as necessary by experts and the public discourse in Albania. However, its integration into mainstream awareness remains largely limited to scientific circles, making it difficult for the general public to grasp and for decision-makers to articulate effectively. Unfortunately, the severity of the climate crisis hasn’t received enough focus in various sectors like governance, media, and education, hindering widespread awareness and understanding.

– REC Albania’s Annual Report 2023

Ongoing Projects

Tackling Climate Change

Triggering Emissions Reductions in Power- and Emissions-Intensive Sectors (TERPEIS)

TERPEIS is a regional initiative supported through the EUKI program of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. The focus of this project is to pursue a bottom-up approach to assist in the implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans.

Monitoring Coastal Eutrophication through Earth Observation for ESA

The aim of this project is to provide data for a satellite monitoring system of coastal eutrophication conditions in two countries, Albania and Tanzania. REC Albania acts as the official and exclusive partner of CGI Italia for our country, and generates data for this system.