May 7, 2024

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Connectivity through pastures

REC Albania is implementing a project for the assessment and rehabilitation of pastures and meadows in the Korab-Koritnik National Park. The project aims to improve the sustainable use and rehabilitation of pastures through a comprehensive assessment, such as vegetation mapping under the consideration of socio-economic factors of the area.


Ecological Objectives:
  • Improving management practices for pastures.
  • Increasing habitat connectivity and biodiversity levels.
  • Conservation of ecosystem services provided by pastures.
Socio-economic Objectives:
  • Increase understanding and awareness among local communities on the sustainable use of pastoral ecosystems.
  • Improved economic opportunities thanks to pasture restoration and better quality ecosystem services.
  • Strengthening cooperation between local NGOs, community members, and representatives of the Regional Administration of Protected Areas (RAPA).
Knowledge and Policy Objectives:
  • Generation of scientific knowledge through research methodology.
  • Integrating project findings into the Annual Action Plans of RAPA, as well as discussion with local authorities on the treatment of pasture challenges in their strategic development plans.
  • Dissemination of project findings through publications, a scientific article, workshops, and meetings at the national level and local.
  • Increase understanding and awareness among local communities on the sustainable use of rangeland ecosystems.

The duration of the project is until October 31, 2025.