May 15, 2023

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Gender Differences and Civic Participation of Local Communities in Environmental Information

The establishment of an operational environmental information management and monitoring system (EIMMS) with a focus on biodiversity, climate change and land degradation is extremely important to strengthen the capacity for environmental monitoring and information management in Albania. This environmental monitoring system should be integrated through relevant government institutions and use international standards for monitoring related to development indicators, data collection, analysis and policy making. It is necessary that all this be built based on the existing technical and institutional capacities in Albania to adapt management and monitoring issues to global monitoring and reporting priorities.
A clear understanding and more complete recognition of the Rio Conventions and Multilateral Environmental Agreements lead to better fulfillment of the reporting requirements of these international obligations and lay the foundations for Sustainable Development through well-informed environmental policies. This Report aims to present a general review of national gender policies and commitments related to the three MEAs, highlighting the role of women and men in better informed decision-making regarding the family and community environment.
The recommendations provided aim to emphasize the importance of understanding how men’s and women’s roles and gender relations change and can complement each other when dealing with climate change, land desertification and biodiversity. The need to ensure participatory planning, implementation and monitoring methods suitable to encourage women and men to be involved in different processes is highlighted in different parts of this report and through specific recommendations.
For the Full Report: