The GREEN27 + consortium begins the consultation process with civil society organizations on the draft civil society report for Chapter 27. During this period, the consortium has continued a series of communication processes with the central institutions involved in the negotiation process. The four initiating organizations of the consortium have worked to draft the progress report from the perspective of civil society. At the end of the first phase, GREEN27 + is organizing a consultation process for the civil society opinion report on the Chapter 27 progress. This consultation process will consist of two main phases.

Phase 1: Conduct some specific online meetings in the following days, with the supporting organizations of GREEN27 + consortium, to present the findings and gather concrete ideas and cases. A division of meetings into different schedules has been considered, in order to enable the attendance in more than one presentation, depending on the interest of the organizations.

Phase 2: Consolidation of the progress report based on the comments and suggestions collected, the pre-final version of which will be circulated for a second and wider consultation with civil society, before its completion and submission.

Below is the schedule of the meetings for the discussion of the draft report on the first phase:

Tuesday: 22.12.2020, Time: 11.00 – 12.00 – Progress in the water sector (REC Albania presentation)

ZOOM link: Topic: Zoom Meeting-Procesi në sektorin e ujit

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Meeting ID: 248 043 0425

Passcode: 035059

Tuesday: 22.12.2020, Time: 12.00 – 13.00 – Progress in the waste management sector (URI presentation)

ZOOM link: Topic: Zoom Meeting-Progresi në sektorin e menaxhimit të mbetjeve

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Meeting ID: 248 043 0425

Passcode: 035059

Wednesday: 23.12.2020, Time: 11.00 – 12.00 – Progress in the nature conservation and biodiversity sector (INCA presentation)

ZOOM link: Topic: Zoom Meeting-Progresi në sektorin e mbrojtjes së natyrës dhe biodiversitetit

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Meeting ID: 248 043 0425

Passcode: 035059

Wednesday: 23.12.2020, Time: 12.00 – 13.00 – Progress in the horizontal legislation sector (EDEN presentation)

ZOOM link: Topic: Zoom Meeting-Progresi në sektorin e legjislacionit horizontal

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Meeting ID: 248 043 0425

Passcode: 035059