The Resource Environmental Center in Albania is now a member organization of CAN Europe. The General Assembly of the European Climate Action Network decided to accept the request of REC Albania, based on the activities and the contribution so far related to climate issues in Albania. This way, REC Albania becomes the first Albanian member organization of this network.

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is Europe’s leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change. With over 170 member organisations active in 38 European countries, representing over 1.500 NGOs and more than 47million citizens, CAN Europe promotes sustainable climate, energy and development policies throughout Europe. CAN Europe empowers civil society organisations to influence the design and development of effective climate change policy in Europe, both in the European Union as well as in its Member States and in European countries outside the EU.

CAN Europe is recognised as an established civil society voice in both EU policy and the UN climate negotiations. CAN Europe works on a broad range of issues including climate, energy and finance policies, to contribute to the zero carbon transition that should allow us to avoid dangerous climate change.

The involvement of REC Albania in this network of environmental organizations with a focus on advocacy and action on climate issues aims to further contribute to the involvement of the Albanian environmental civil society for climate both within the country and at a regional level and beyond.