Every year April 22 marks Earth Day. This year, this day is very special, as not only is its 50th anniversary, but for the first time in history, the biggest event in the world will be digital. Every year, Earth Day is celebrated by millions of people to remember the Earth, our great home, which is experiencing events not so usual, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

The theme for Earth Day 2020 is climate action. Climate change poses the greatest challenge of the future of humanity and life support systems that make our world habitable. And as for the irony of fate in this 50th anniversary of Earth Day, humans – the intelligent species of the planet, are stuck in their homes unable to go out and enjoy the beauties of nature, this spring that is filled with colors, like never before. Was it the Earth’s desire to celebrate alone, locking us inside the house, to reflect on our very selfish behavior?

In this context, REC Albania announces the competition of essays for young people, regarding your reflections on climate change and our not at all friendly behavior with the Earth.

Who can participate: Young people aged 18-30

Length of the essay: 1000-1500 words.

Competition procedure: Starting today, until May 8, 2020, send us your essay in the address: info@recshqiperi.org, as well as your name and the city where you live.

All the essays submitted to REC will be posted on the webpage “Mjedisi Sot” http://www.mjedisisot.info/, as well as on our social media, to be voted by the public until May 31st. On June 5, REC Albania will announce the winners based on the number of votes and likes, as well as the opinions of a jury set up for this purpose.

The first three places, the most voted and liked, will be part of a week-long training on climate change that REC Albania will hold this fall.

We can create a better world for everyone.

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