Every year September 16-22 marks the European Mobility Week. This year the theme set by the European Union is “Walk With Us”. This theme brings to in focus the safety of citizens who walk in their daily lives or ride bicycles, but it also seeks to remind us of a mode of transportation that we often overlook: walking.

In fact our bodies are created for walking, but many of us find it very difficult to find the time to walk and be active during the day. We spend many hours of our daily routine sitting: sitting for hours in the car in the middle of the traffic, at a desk / school or in front of the TV screen or navigating the phone screen. And what’s even more disturbing is that it’s now becoming an even more common practice for the younger ages, who would once run in the playground while now they play through the screen of a smartphone.

But our bodies are created to walk, move, run and be active. If we could integrate physical activity (walking, running, biking) into our daily lives would we save not only money but also time.

This year’s European Mobility Week focuses on safe walking and cycling and the benefits we can derive from them for our health, environment and finances!

Active modes of transport such as walking and bicycles do not discharge pollutants and help improve our heart and brain health. Cities that promote the choice of walking and bicycles versus vehicles have also been found to be more attractive, with less traffic on the roads and a higher quality of life. In terms of individual health benefits, studies show that bike riders live on average two years longer than others and receive 15% fewer days off work due to illness, while 25 minutes of fast walking a day can add up to in seven years in our lives! So this September, why not go with us and try these benefits for yourself?